Talquin Youth
Youth Tour
Talquin Electric Cooperative is looking for students to serve as delegates for the 2025 Talquin Youth Tour. Twenty-four student-representatives will be sponsored with a visit to Florida’s capital city for a two-day, overnight conference on February 12-13, 2025, and awarded a scholarship for post-secondary education. Students will learn about the cooperative business model and Florida’s legislative process. The Talquin Youth Tour includes a visit to the House of Representatives’ Chambers and a session in the Supreme Court. During this experience, four students will be chosen to represent Talquin at the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association Youth Tour in Washington D.C. on June 16-21, 2025. The Washington D.C. Youth Tour includes visits to the Lincoln Memorial, Arlington National Cemetery, Mt. Vernon, Vietnam Memorial, and many more historic sites, alongside hundreds of other students from around the nation!
Students must have an immediate family member/guardian who is a Talquin Member, be enrolled as a high school junior in a local high school or home school, and live in Gadsden, Leon, Liberty, or Wakulla Counties in order to apply and be considered.
For more information, please visit NRECA or contact Talquin at (850) 627-7651 or youthtour@talquinelectric.com.