Mission Vision & Values
Our purpose is to enhance and maintain the quality of life to the community we serve by providing electric, water and wastewater services to our Members in a safe, reliable and efficient manner.
We aspire to be a top performing cooperative. We strive for continuous improvement, excellent service and high Member value, focused on the financial health and distribution system necessary to meet the future needs of our Members.
We are a Member-owned, not-for-profit electric distribution cooperative committed to:
Internal Culture: Our purpose is to enhance and maintain the quality of life to our community. This purpose could not be achieved without our employees who serve as the heartbeat of the cooperative, and our employees are held in the highest regard. We are committed to maintaining an exceptional workforce culture by promoting an environment that embraces mutual respect, diversity, and equality.
Community Culture: We actively support and are involved in the communities we serve.
Integrity at All Levels: We uphold uncompromising integrity. We demonstrate honest, ethical behavior in all transactions.
Respect and Teamwork: We respect the diverse interests and needs of our Members and of our employees. We promote open communication and collaborative teamwork to achieve the goals of the cooperative.
Resourcefulness and Efficiency: We emphasize service response by efficiently utilizing our resources and assets.
Environmental Stewardship: Our work practices are conducted in an environmentally responsive manner.
Cooperative Principles: We actively live out the 7 Cooperative Principles of Open and Voluntary Membership; Democratic Member Control; Members’ Economic Participation; Autonomy and Independence; Education, Training, and Information; Cooperation among Cooperatives; and Concern for Community.