Carla Pararo

County: Northeastern Leon County
Address: 7882 Bandits Run, Tallahassee, Florida 32309
Phone: 850-688-6809 (Home) or 850-766-2478 (Cell)
Mrs. Pararo is the Trustee from District 5, northeast Leon County. She has lived in Tallahassee since 1964, graduated from Leon High School, and attended TCC with an emphasis in business. She retired as an independent contractor from the Social Security Administration in 2021. Mrs. Pararo has been a Talquin Member since 1992, and she served the Membership on the Talquin Election Committee for 12 years prior to her election to the Talquin Board of Trustees in 2016. She also serves on the Board of Trustees of Seminole Electric Cooperative, Talquin’s primary generation and transmission provider. Mrs. Pararo is a Credentialed Cooperative Director and holds a Board Leadership Certificate from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association.